PeopleSoft Integration Tools New Features for 8.52


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Many integration enhancements and new features were introduced in PeopleTools releases 8.51 and 8.52. This particular course explains these features and provides activities to implement and use them effectively.Learn To:Use Integration Network WorkCenter.Create documents.Create restful web services.Use Feed Publishing Wizard.Use features like PeopleSoft Integration Network, Document technology, Restful web services feed enhancements.Benefits To You:Start taking advantage of the significant enhancements to the Integration Tools in PeopleTools release 8.52. Ensure smooth and efficient integrations of your PeopleSoft applications with other PeopleSoft databases and third-party systems to help your organization can quickly adapt to competitive and customer challenges. "Integration Network WorkCenterThe Integration Network WorkCenter centralizes the administrative tasks of configuring, administering and monitoring integrations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker. This course will teach you how documents can be used for the following: integrations with third-party integration partners as an alternative to using stand-alone rowsets, as a mechanism to distribute complex data more.Integration BrokerIntegration Broker now provides the framework for building, administering and testing Restful web services based on the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style. Feed Publishing Framework was introduced in release 8.50; enhancements in 8.51 and 8.52 include Feed administration and a new Feed Publishing Wizard.

PeopleSoft Integration Tools New Features for 8.52

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60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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