PeopleSoft Integration Tools Rel 8.50


Základní info

This course covers the PeopleSoft Integration tools used to integrate with other PeopleSoft databases and third-party systems, the tools include Integration Broker and component interfaces. The course also covers testing utilities for integrations, including Send Master, Handler Tester Utility, Service Operation Tester Utility and soapUI.In this course students create and code service operations including transformation programs using Oracle XSL Mapper. They use the Service Operations Monitor to monitor the service operations and performance. Students will also create and test component interfaces, as well as service enabling component interfaces and providing them as a web service.Learn to:Configure PeopleSoft Integration BrokerSend and Receive Service OperationsIntegrate data using component interfacesProvide and consume web services with third-party systems.Test connector and message processing using Send MasterBenefits To You:Ensure smooth and efficient integrations of your PeopleSoft applications with other PeopleSoft databases and third-party systems to help your organization can quickly adapt to competitive and customer challenges. Produce real-time synchronous and asynchronous integrations, and leverage adapters to several key technology interfaces, such as web services, ftp, and email.

PeopleSoft Integration Tools Rel 8.50

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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