PeopleTools II Rel 8.50


Základní info

PeopleTools II expands on the skills acquired in PeopleTools I. In this five-day course, students gain advanced development and troubleshooting experience as they create applications that incorporate complex features such as views, multiple occurs levels, tableset sharing, subrecords, subpages, style sheets, links, and PeopleCode.Learn To:Create records and pages that maintain parent child relationshipsEnhance application and page functionalityCreate and use sub records and sub pagesCreate and use viewsWrite basic PeopleCode programsTroubleshoot applicationsBenefits To You:Expand your development and troubleshooting knowledge of PeopleTools so that you can readily incorporate complex features to further enhance the functionality of your PeopleSoft applications to better meet your organizations business needs.

PeopleTools II Rel 8.50

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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