Perl Programming Ed 3 DTP-250


Základní info

The Perl Programming course is a comprehensive course that explains the Perl programming language, from basicthrough advanced syntax. This course is aimed at a wide range of job roles, including Programmers, SystemAdministrators, Web Authors, and Operators. The course provides the fundamentals needed to use the Perl programminglanguage to write quick yet powerful scripts for a range of purposes, as well as provides an overview of Common GatewayInterface Programming, Object-Oriented Perl and Perl Debugging.The course is taught on the Oracle Solaris Operating Environment. However, the material is suitable for any operating system, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows.Learn To:Describe the Perl Programming Language.Implement Scalars.List Control Structures.Implement Arrays.Describe Hashes.Implement Basic I/O and Regular Expressions.Describe Subroutines and Modules.Manipulate Files and Directories.Implement Perl. Benefits To YouThe Perl Programming course provides students with the fundamentals to create functional Perl scripts. The courseintroduces students to data structures, flow control mechanisms, regular expressions, and subroutines and modulesin the form of example scripts and lab scripts. The course concludes with an overview of implementing Perl withregard to Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Programming, Object-Oriented Perl and Perl Debugging.This course however, does not cover the construct of the Perl Programming Language itself or complex Perlfunctions used for high-level programming. Rather, it focuses mainly on the implementation of the language tocreate simple and functional Perl scripts.


  • Application Developers
  • Developer
  • System Administrator
  • Web Administrator


  • Run basic UNIX commands like rm, cp, man, more, mkdir, ps, and chmod on Oracle Solaris or equivalent commands in any other UNIX platform.
  • Exposure to any other programming language (C, C++, Java)
  • Create and edit text files in vi or another available text editor.
  • Experience with shell scripting (Bourne/Korn)


  • Describe the Perl Programming Language
  • Implement Scalars Data Structures
  • List Control Structures
  • Implement Arrays
  • Describe Hashes
  • Implement Basic I/O and Regular Expressions
  • Describe Subroutines and Modules
  • Manipulate Files and Directories
  • Implement Perl


Describing the Perl Programming Language

  • Introduction to Perl
  • Basic Elements of Perl Scripting
  • Command-line Options used with perl
  • Perl Documentation and Help

Implementing Scalars

  • Scalars
  • Assignment of Scalar Data to Scalar Variables
  • Scalar Operators
  • Strings

Listing Control Structures

  • if Statements
  • Loops
  • Loop Control Statements

Implementing Arrays

  • Arrays
  • Array Functions
  • Back Quotes and Command Execution
  • Scalar and List Context

Implementing Hashes

  • Hashes
  • Hash Functions
  • Iterations on Hashes
  • Operations on Hash Elements

Implementing Basic I/O and Regular Expressions

  • Basic I/O and Regular Expressions
  • Patterns
  • Anchors and Quantifiers
  • Capturing, Back-Referencing and Greediness
  • Substitute Operator
  • Translation Operator
  • Other Features of Match Operations

Describing Subroutines and Modules

  • Subroutines
  • Scope
  • Libraries
  • Packages
  • Modules

Manipulating Files and Directories

  • Opening and Reading Files
  • Writing to Files
  • Process and System Commands
  • Creating a Basic Text Database
  • File and Directory Tests
  • Reading Directory Contents

Implementing Perl

  • CGI Programming
  • Object-Oriented Perl Programming
  • Perl Debugger

Perl Programming Ed 3 DTP-250

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