Primavera Unifier Reports and Dashboards 17


Základní info

This Primavera Unifier Reports and Dashboards training teaches you how to create reports and develop dashboards in the Primavera Unifier Reports and Dashboards solution. To perform data extraction and display, expert Oracle University instructors will also teach you how to configure these dashboards and use native Unifier reporting tools.bLearn To:/preate report templates.pdate shell templates.efine permissions.reate data cubes and data views.reate dashboards.reate custom Business Intelligence Publisher reports using data views.bDay 1: Creating User-Defined Reports/phis course begins with expert Oracle University instructors teaching you how to create user-defined report templates and update shell templates. The first day concludes with hands-on instruction to expand your skills so you can import, update and schedule user-defined reports.bDay 2: Viewing Dashboards Creating Data Cubes/phe second day of this course focuses on dashboards. You will view dashboards and then create data cubes, data views and dashboards through hands-on exercises. These exercises will reinforce your learning and help solidify your new skill set so you can apply it to your daily job. Also includes a discussion on using Primavera Analytics.

Primavera Unifier Reports and Dashboards 17

Vybraný termín:


20 080 Kč + 21% DPH

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