Primavera Unifier: uDesigner Fundamentals Rel 17 Ed 1


Základní info

This Primavera Unifier uDesigner Fundamentals training enables you to design and deploy business processes, attribute forms and shells. Expert Oracle University instructors will help you follow good design principles to develop Unifier data structures, statuses and forms. The course covers configuration of additional form and workflow behavior such as formulas, auto-population, conditional routing and workflow actions via email. It shows how to efficiently reuse forms, utilize uDesigner versioning methods and define integration templates. The course provides an overview of common business process types, highlighting their unique features.strongLearn To:/pollow good design practices.istinguish process types.reate data structures, shells, business processes and attribute shells.dd functionality to forms, such as consolidation of line items, validation, auto-population, and linked production bundles.strongDay 1: Engage in Hands-on Exercises/phe course begins with an overview of navigation and introduces design and development concepts. You will gain hands-on experience creating data structures and record statuses, and designing a shell and a user attributes form.strongDay 2: Design Business Processes/pext, you will dive into designing and building commonly used examples of Simple and Line Item business process types. You will also learn how to re-use forms.strongDay 3: Explore Workflows and Form BehaviorpYou will learn about additional workflow functionality such as conditional routing and enabling workflow actions via email. You will also learn about adding form and field behavior such as building formulas and validation, auto-publishing to Document Manager, auto-sequencing, auto-population and line item consolidation.strongDay 4: Integration and uDesigner Processes/pou will learn about integration and uDesigner versioning. Finally, you will learn how to deploy completed designs and distinguish business process types.

Primavera Unifier: uDesigner Fundamentals Rel 17 Ed 1

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40 160 Kč + 21% DPH

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