R12.2 Oracle Depot Repair Fundamentals


Základní info

his course will be applicable for customers who have implemented Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, 12.2 or 12.2/pn this course, students learn to use Oracle Depot Repair to create service requests and repair orders for repair job management, repair order management, and repair resolution management. Students also gain a comprehensive understanding of the integration between Oracle Depot Repair with other Oracle modules. Students learn to use the core of Oracle Depot Repair, which is the Depot Repair Workbench that provides service agents with instant access to customer and Repair Order information. You can access a number of tabs from the Depot Repair Workbench. Some tabs show information about the customer, the Service Request, and the service history of the item. Additionally, they also learn to assign repair jobs to third party organizations.earn To:liUnderstand Oracle Depot Repairet Up Oracle Depot Repairse the Depot Repair Workbenchnderstand Bulk Receivingse the Repair Technician Module/ul

R12.2 Oracle Depot Repair Fundamentals

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24 094 Kč + 21% DPH

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