R12 HRMS People Management Fundamentals


Základní info

Oracle HRMS enables you to enter and track employees and contingent workers from the day they apply for a job to the day they leave your enterprise. Using Oracle HRMS you can hold, inquire, report, and keep track on a wide range of personal and employment information. This can include medical details, work schedules, preferred language for correspondence and personal contacts, as well as the basic details such as date of birth, employee number, and addresses. This course enables you to identify the different workers in your enterprise and introduces the different ways you can represent your workforce using Oracle HRMS. bLearn To:ulrganize your workforce exactly as your enterprise requiresliManage a global workforce while addressing local country requirementsliRecognize Self-Service HR CapabilitiesliUse reporting tools to track your workforce, and ensure you meet corporate objectives/ul

R12 HRMS People Management Fundamentals

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11 138 Kč + 21% DPH

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