R12 HRMS Total Compensation Foundations


Základní info

This course provides a thorough introduction to the Total Compensation Framework—the core set of Oracle HRMS features used to set up your compensation and benefits offerings. As a prerequisite, take this course before you implement Standard or Advanced Benefits, Compensation Workbench, Individual Compensation Distribution, Absence Management, or Grade/Step Progression. You learn to define elements to store compensation and benefits data and to manage and validate elements in sets using Batch Element Entry (BEE). Other topics show you how to define a hierarchy of compensation objects and to control eligibility and price tags for those objects. Lastly, you learn to use System Extract to manage third party reporting.ote that this course applies equally to HRMS R12 and 11i users.earn To: nderstand the HRMS Total Compensation modelreate system extractsefine and manage elementsandle benefits enrollments

R12 HRMS Total Compensation Foundations

Vybraný termín:


8 360 Kč + 21% DPH

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