R12 HRMS Work Structures Fundamentals


Základní info

Oracle HRMS enables you to create the work structure components to represent your enterprise. As a best practice in configuring your work structures, you can use Oracle HRMS Configuration Workbench. This course enables you to define the common data that your enterprise requires such as the unique structures for job, position, and other business entities. You learn how to represent the different business models of an enterprise, define business groups, organizations, and organization hierarchies. The topics in this course show you how to synchronize the financial reporting structures with the HR reporting structures for budget planning and analysis. You will also be able to define government-reporting structures like reporting categories and assignment statuses to satisfy the requirements for government reports.earn To:dentify the work structure components and their usageepresent the financial and government reporting structures in your enterpriseepresent your enterpriseefine the unique structure for jobs, positions, and grades

R12 HRMS Work Structures Fundamentals

Vybraný termín:


5 569 Kč + 21% DPH

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