R12 Oracle HRMS Advanced Benefits Fundamentals


Základní info

This course teaches you how to set up an employee benefits program using Oracle Advanced Benefits. Taking advantage of the full suite of Advanced Benefits features, students learn to manage benefits administration based on employee life events. Enrollment requirements and dependent designations that you can define help you to control elect-ability of benefits. You’ll learn how to manage coverage calculations—for life insurance type offerings—and actual premiums that you pay to third party providers.pFor choice-based benefits programs, the course provides an overview of setting up flex credit accruals. For U.S. students, the course offers an introduction to COBRA and HIPAA implementation. You’ll also learn how to enroll a participant into a benefits offering. Lastly, you'll learn the advantages of using the Total Compensation Setup Wizard to create a benefits program.

R12 Oracle HRMS Advanced Benefits Fundamentals

Vybraný termín:


5 569 Kč + 21% DPH

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