R12 Oracle Payroll Fundamentals: Administration


Základní info

This class covers the principles involved in processing a payroll for your organization. You will learn how to run your payrolls using batch processing, and QuickPay using the flexibility of Oracle Payroll. You will understand the different phases of the payroll lifecycle, and will see how and when to apply different processes to each payroll phase. You will gain an understanding of the Payroll model, setting up pre-processing, payroll processing and post-payroll processing. You will learn about making corrections to payroll processes, and which correction method to apply in different situations. The class also introduces you to making adjustments to balances, and other special payroll features.earn To:se Advance Pay and RetroPayake balance adjustmentsake corrections, and perform rollbacks, reversals and retriesdentify the types of payroll processes available in Oracle HCMdentify the payroll life cycle periods

R12 Oracle Payroll Fundamentals: Administration

Vybraný termín:


5 569 Kč + 21% DPH

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