R12 Oracle Payroll Fundamentals: Earnings and Deductions (UK)


Základní info

This course provides you a thorough knowledge on setting up payroll earnings and deductions in your organization. You learn about the role of definitions that Oracle Payroll uses to process earnings and deductions. You also learn about the templates and other implementation features available for earnings and deductions in your localization. The course also deals in detail with payroll balances and how you can write formulas to define payroll balances. You learn about how RetroPay works and set up of enhanced RetroPay. The course also deals with third party payments and how you can set up a deduction and third party payment. You also learn how to initiate, set up, and manage deductions for retirement plans.

R12 Oracle Payroll Fundamentals: Earnings and Deductions (UK)

Vybraný termín:


24 094 Kč + 21% DPH

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