R12 Oracle Purchasing Fundamentals


Základní info

In this course, participants learn how to set up and use R12 Oracle Purchasing to managing the purchasing process. They learn how to create and manage items, suppliers, requisitions, purchase orders, request for quotations, quotations, and receipts. They also learn how to apply document security, routing and approval methods, as well as how to automate the order creation process. bLearn To:ulet up and use Oracle PurchasingliApply document securityliCreate requisitions and purchase orders liApply routing and approval methodsliEnter and manage receiptsliUse the Professional Buyer's Work Center/ula href="http://education.oracle.com/education/videos/MiniSSCD/R12OraclePurchasingFundamentalsdemo_overview/" target="_blank"/a

R12 Oracle Purchasing Fundamentals

Vybraný termín:


27 846 Kč + 21% DPH

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