R12 Oracle Using and Maintaining Approvals Management


Základní info

This course covers the general concepts, plus using the attributes, conditions, and action types to set up your rules in AME. The module is designed to concentrate on the concepts of understanding Approvals Management in any organization.his course covers day-to-day operations and maintenance activities that a Business Analyst user of AME performs. The topics in this e-class focuses on various ways in which rules can be defined to address typical business needs, which users can define based on the scenario examples for each topic. This course is applicable to both R12 as well as 11i users.he targeted audience for this module is anyone interested in using or setting up AME such as developers, support personnel, consultants as well as business users charged with enforcing the enterprises approvals.earn To:reate transaction types in AMEefine attributes, conditions, and approver groupsefine various types of rulesse the test workbench to test your rulesrioritize rules

R12 Oracle Using and Maintaining Approvals Management

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2 791 Kč + 21% DPH

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