R12.x Extend Oracle Applications: Building OA Framework Applications


Základní info

This class is a hands-on lab-intensive course that will keep the student busy and active for the duration of the course. While the course covers the fundamentals that support OA Framework-based applications, the course is really an exercise in J2EE programming. Over the duration of the course, the student will create an OA Framework-based application that selects, inserts, updates, and deletes data from a R12 Oracle Applications instance.earn to:escribe the concepts and details of the MVC design patternreate a query, drill-down, create, delete, and update to an E-Business Suite instancese E-Business Suite security in conjunction with OA Framework applicationsescribe OA Framework development standards

R12.x Extend Oracle Applications: Building OA Framework Applications

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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