R12.x Extend Oracle Applications: Customizing OA Framework Applications


Základní info

This course has been significantly changed from the prior version to include additional deployments. The course doesn't teach the specifics of configuration of each product. That is left to the product-specific courses. What the course does cover is the general methods of building, personalizing, and extending OA Framework-based pages within the E-Business Suite. Additionally, the course covers the methods to deploy those types of customizations. The course doesn't include discussion of the Oracle Forms-based pages within the E-Business SuiteliBuild a simple OA Framework Applicationersonalize OA Framework Applications and Pagesxtend OA Framework Applicationseploy OA Framework Applications and Pages

R12.x Extend Oracle Applications: Customizing OA Framework Applications

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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