R12.x Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals


Základní info

No hands-on lab environment for the Training On Demand course formatIn this course students learn how to use Oracle's Advanced Supply Chain Planning application to balance supply and demand across an organization's supply chain. Outputs of this process is a plan that respects constraints as well as a plan that meet's the organization's objectives. At the completion of this course, students will be able to use Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning to plan, schedule, and optimize an entire supply chain within a single plan. They will learn how to view their supply and demand positions in real-time across all internal and external facilities and locations.Learn To:Model the supply chainOptimize the supply chainWork with constraintsAnalyze plans

R12.x Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals

Vybraný termín:


57 600 Kč + 21% DPH

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