R12.x Oracle Applications User Management Fundamentals


Základní info

In this course students learn concepts and functions critical to the System Administrator role in implementing Oracle User Management. Topics covered include a review of Function Security and core concepts related to User Management. earn To: unction Securityole Based Access Controlata Securityelegated Administrationelf-Service and Approvalsefining Roles and Role Inheritance Hierarchiesefine Proxy Usershis course will be applicable for customers who have implemented R12 or R12.1. bBenefits to You/pnsure a smooth, rapid implementation of Oracle User Management. Effectively register and manage users in order to ensure authorized access and proper security of your E-Business Suite applications.

R12.x Oracle Applications User Management Fundamentals

Vybraný termín:


24 094 Kč + 21% DPH

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