R12.x Oracle E-Business Suite Essentials for Implementers


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his course will be applicable for customers who have implemented Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 or Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1/p racle R12.1 E-Business Essentials for Implementers is a course that provides a functional foundation for any E-Business Suite Fundamentals course.bLearn To:liAccess and navigate within Oracle Applications using the user interface.xplore a high-level understanding of major architectural components in R12.1 E-Business Suitedentify and describe the benefits of R12.1 footprintxplain the basic concepts of System Administrationefine key and descriptive Flexfieldsecognize the different entities that are shared between multiple applicationsdentify features of Multiple Organizations and Multiple Organization Access Control (MOAC)xplain features and benefits of Oracle Workflowse the Workflow Monitor to monitor a Workflow to completionescribe Alerts and test a Periodic Alertescribe the features of Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) Applications/ul bBenefits to You/pet a sound understanding of Oracle E-Business Suite, including navigation, key business flows, functionality, and integration points between products. Smoothly implement and start using the applications, so that your organization can quickly realize the full value of Oracle E-Business Suite.

R12.x Oracle E-Business Suite Essentials for Implementers

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36 141 Kč + 21% DPH

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