R12.x Oracle HRMS System Administration Fundamentals


Základní info

This curriculum covers system administration tasks in Oracle HRMS. You learn how to design your security processes to consider the different roles and responsibilities within your enterprise by looking at key design and implementation decisions. Within security, the curriculum covers all aspects of security profile definition, including assignment-level security, and also covers related processes and procedures, for example, menu and function security.The curriculum also includes information on extending your Oracle HRMS application to meet the particular requirements of your enterprise. By learning how to configure and customize your HRMS application, for example, by creating user tables, extra information types, and task flows, you can streamline your business processes and tailor them to the particular roles in your enterprise. The content in this course is relevant to both Oracle Applications 11i and Release 12 users.bLearn To:ulesign and implement securityliPersonalize functions and business processesliExtend your Oracle HRMS application/ul

R12.x Oracle HRMS System Administration Fundamentals

Vybraný termín:


36 141 Kč + 21% DPH

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