R12.x Oracle Payroll Fundamentals: Configuration (US)


Základní info

his course will be applicable for customers who have implemented Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 or Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1./pn completion of this class you should be able to explain the relationship of organizational payment methods to payrolls, and then configure the required number of payrolls and payment methods for your organization. You should be able to enter costing information, and run the Costing process for your payrolls.You should also be able to maintain employer and employee taxes. For example, you should also be able to set up employer taxes, enter tax information for a GRE, set up Federal, state and local taxability rules, and calculate FUTA credits. For employee taxes, you should be able to set up employee taxes, apply overrides and set up W-2 information.earn to:et up payment methods for your organization onfigure payrolls for your organization aintain employer tax information aintain employee tax information un costing processes for your payrolls.

R12.x Oracle Payroll Fundamentals: Configuration (US)

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24 094 Kč + 21% DPH

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