R12.x Oracle Project Billing Fundamentals


Základní info

his course will be applicable for customers who have implemented Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 or Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1./pn this course, students will learn about the implementation of R12.x Oracle Project Billing. The course encompasses key setup considerations, such as licensing, revenue and invoicing, agreements and funding, customers, auto accounting, inter project billing, customer billing retention, and integration with Oracle Receivables. It also explains some impacts of implementation decisions. Students will learn through the use of tutorials, supplemented with guided demonstrations and hands-on practices. earn To: nderstand the impacts of key implementation decisionsdentify the features of Oracle Project Billingescribe how Oracle Project Billing integrates with the Oracle eBusiness Suiteet up R12.x Oracle Project Billing

R12.x Oracle Project Billing Fundamentals

Vybraný termín:


24 094 Kč + 21% DPH

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