RightNow Customer Portal for Developers Rel 12.02


Základní info

This course focuses on Customer Portal, the web site interface that customers access for customer self-support. Students will begin by learning basic customizations that do not require programming skills, but can be accomplished through configuration settings and simple editing. These types of customizations can be used to brand Customer Portal so that it reflects the look-and-feel of other pages within an enterprise's web site.The course proceeds to more complex customizations that require JavaScript and PHP scripting, event handling, and implementation of the Model-View-Controller pattern. Using these tools, students will write customized widgets that can add new functionality to pages, including providing customized access to data from the knowledge base. A Capstone Exercise gives the student an opportunity to brings together a wide range of new skills from the course to create a practical new widget and display it on a customized page.Learn To: Access the RightNow knowledge base from Customer PortalChange the content and functionality of a Customer Portal page with widgetsWrite custom widgetsChange the look-and-feel of a Customer Portal page

RightNow Customer Portal for Developers Rel 12.02

Vybraný termín:


41 250 Kč + 21% DPH

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