RightNow Integration and Customization For Developers


Základní info

This RightNow Integration and Customization For Developers training focuses on non web-based aspects of RightNow CX, including programmatic access to the RightNow knowledge base and customization of the Agent Desktop client application. You will learn how to use SOAP web services to access the RightNow knowledge base to extract, store or manipulate data.Learn To:Import data from other enterprise data systems into the RightNow CX knowledge base.Use SOAP web services to extract data from the RightNow CX knowledge base.Create new functionality and new components to customize the Agent Desktop.Benefits to YouYou'll also learn the concepts and skills a developer needs to customize or extend the Agent Desktop application, which is used by call center agents to provide customer support. To do this, you will use the RightNow Desktop Add-In Framework, which provides templates and wizards that simplify adding components with new functionality. This includes automation, integration of external data or applications or new controls. Furthermore, accessing the Knowledge Base makes it possible to integrate information from the knowledge base with other enterprise systems, and vice-versa.

RightNow Integration and Customization For Developers

Vybraný termín:


68 750 Kč + 21% DPH

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