Shell Programming for System Administrators SA-245


Základní info


  • Use basic UNIX commands, such as rm, cp, man, more, mkdir, ps, and chmod
  • Create and edit text files in vi or a text editor


  • Use flow control constructs, such as branching and looping
  • Customize system-wide shell initialization files
  • Use local and environmental variables and shell metacharacters in scripts
  • Use the exit status of a command to determine if the command succeeded or failed
  • Develop interactive scripts
  • Write a script that uses functions
  • Write a script that uses a trap to catch a signal
  • Access and process command-line arguments passed into a script
  • Write sed scripts to perform noninteractive editing tasks
  • Write nawk scripts to manipulate individual fields within a record
  • Write nawk scripts to write reports based upon an input file
  • Perform string manipulation and integer arithmetic on shell variables
  • Write real world administration and reporting scripts
  • Use regular expressions with the grep, sed, and nawk
  • Manipulate text files with grep, sed, and nawk


UNIX Shells and Shell Scripts

  • Describe the role of shells in the UNIX environment
  • Describe the standard shells
  • Define the components of a shell script
  • Write a simple shell script

Writing and Debugging Scripts

  • Start a script with #!
  • Put comments in a script
  • Change permissions on a script
  • Execute a script
  • Debug a script

The Shell Environment

  • Use Bourne and Korn shell variables
  • Assign values to shell variables
  • Unset shell and environment variables
  • Customize the user environment using the .profile file
  • Perform arithmetic operations
  • Create and use aliases
  • Customize the Bourne and Korn shell environments
  • Use the tilde expansion and command substitution features of the Korn shell

Regular Expressions and the grep Command

  • Use and describe regular expressions
  • Describe the grep command
  • Use the grep command to find patterns in a file
  • Use the regular expression characters with the grep command

The sed Editor

  • Use the sed editor to perform noninteractive editing tasks
  • Use regular expression characters with the sed command

The nawk Programming Language

  • Use nawk commands from the command line
  • Write simple nawk programs to generate data reports from text files
  • Write simple nawk programs to generate numeric and text reports from text files


  • Use the exit status of a command as conditional control
  • Use the "if" statement to test a condition
  • Pass values using command-line arguments (positional parameters) into a script
  • Create USAGE messages
  • Use conditional if, then, elif, else, and fi constructs
  • Use exit, let, and test statements ([[ ]], " ")
  • Apply the , ||, and ! Boolean logic operators
  • Use the case statement

Interactive Scripts

  • Use the print and echo commands to display text
  • Use the read command to interactively assign data to a shell variable
  • Read user input into one or more variables, using one read statement
  • Use special characters, with print and echo, to make the displayed text more user friendly
  • Create a "here" document
  • Use file descriptors to read from and write to multiple files


  • Write scripts that use for, while, and until loops
  • Write a script using the select statement
  • Describe when to use loops within a script
  • Generate argument lists using command, variable, and file-name substitution

The getopt Statement

  • Process script options using the getopts statement

Advanced Variables, Parameters, and Argument Lists

  • Declare strings, integers, and array variables
  • Manipulate string variables
  • Change the values of the positional parameters using the set statement within a script
  • Use Korn shell arrays
  • Set default values for parameters
  • Use the Korn shell built-in let, print, set, and typeset statements


  • Create user-defined functions in a shell script
  • Create, invoke, and display functions from the command line
  • Pass arguments into a function
  • Call functions from special (function) files that are saved in one or more function directories
  • Describe where functions are available for use

Shell Programming for System Administrators SA-245

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