Siebel 8.1.x Tools


Základní info

This course is intended to provide in-depth coverage of how to use Siebel Tools to configure Siebel applications to meet a company’s business requirements. This course is designed for members of the Siebel implementation who are responsible for configuring the Siebel application, and focuses exclusively on application configuration activities. The course consists of detailed lessons and extensive hands-on practices to reinforce the lecture content.The course first introduces students to Siebel Tools and the configuration process. The course then examines in detail how to use Siebel Tools to configure applets, views, and screens, followed by how to configure business components, business objects, joins, and links, and finally how to configure tables and columns in the underlying database The course also discusses configuring features such as drilldowns, pick lists, and multi-value groups that enhance application usability. Finally the course examines a series of advanced configuration topics including configuring view-level access control, repository deployment, and user properties. Student wishing to be successful in this course are strongly advised to take the pre-requisite.Learn to:Examine, manage, and edit Siebel object definitions Tailor the user interface for a Siebel application Customize business objects to incorporate business policies Extend the Siebel database

Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Vybraný termín:


72 000 Kč + 21% DPH

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