Siebel Fundamentals Rel 15.5


Základní info

Students learn to navigate and maintain data in Siebel applications by using common entities. Students explore built-in functionality in Siebel Sales and Siebel Call Center and then other cross-application features. The course is appropriate for customers on Siebel 15.x and Siebel 8.x. Hands-on activities are performed using Open UIearn To:reate, modify, delete, and search for recordsork with common Siebel business entitiesse basic functionality of Siebel Sales and Siebel Call Centeravigate Siebel applicationsescribe other cross-application featuresescribe best practices for a Siebel implementation

Siebel Fundamentals Rel 15.5

Vybraný termín:


24 094 Kč + 21% DPH

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