Siebel Open UI Essentials


Základní info

This Siebel Open UI Essentials training begins by introducing you to the Siebel Open UI user interface and architecture. The second part of the course dives into the application programming interface (API).bLearn To:/pliAdminister Siebel Open UI customizations.ustomize applets using the Siebel Open UI JavaScript API as well as the overall look-and-feel of the debugging techniques to troubleshoot coding Siebel Tools in conjunction with the JSAPI, as well as to customize Siebel Open UI behavior.igrate customizations./ulbBenefits to You/py investing in this course, you'll walk away with the ability to use the JavaScript API. You'll develop the skills to write code to address common customization requirements including using external, third party libraries; you'll also develop an understanding of when and where to add code (the hooks into the framework) and common methods to use for desired outcomes. This bundled course consist of two courses: Siebel Open UI Foundations and Siebel Open UI Advanced JavaScript API.bUnderstand the Open UI Framework/phis section of the course provides foundational knowledge to understand the architecture and administration techniques.bUsing the JavaScript API/pn this section you use the API to control the look and behavior of the Siebel application.bLearn Through Hands-On Exercises/pxpert Oracle instructors will demonstrate how to use the new architecture through a series of examples. Please note that this course does not teach JavaScript, CSS or HTML. It's recommended that you have a background in Siebel Tools.

Siebel Open UI Essentials

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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