Siebel Scripting Rel 15.5


Základní info

This Siebel Scripting Rel 15.5 training is designed for Siebel developers who are tasked with implementing server side scripts in Siebel CRM. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you how to make educated decisions about whether to write script or use appropriate alternative technologies available with Siebel CRM.bLearn To:/peasure and improve Siebel script performance.reate custom business services.rite good scripts.ccess object the Script Editor and Debugger in Siebel Tools.nderstand Siebel event handling.bBenefits to You/py taking this course, you'll develop the necessary skills to write high-quality server-side eScript code on the Application, Business Component and Business Service level. In addition, you'll become more familiar with debugging and profiling techniques that will optimize the performance of scripts.

Siebel Scripting Rel 15.5

Vybraný termín:


24 094 Kč + 21% DPH

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