Sun Java System Application Server 8.1: Administration Deployment IAS-4444


Základní info

The Sun Java System Application Server SE/EE 8.1 2005Q2 (Application Server SE/EE 8.1): Administration and Deployment course teaches students the management architecture and enterprise features, such as the request level load balancing for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Remote Method Invocation/Internet InterORB Protocol (RMI-IIOP), Java Message Service (JMS), and session persistence and recovery. Students will learn how to install, configure, and manage the Application Server SE/EE 8.1 in a distributed environment. Students will also gain experience deploying applications to the enterprise environment and migrating applications from earlier versions of the Application Server developed by other vendors. The course provides students with the skills necessary to tune and troubleshoot the Application Server as a production platform.Students who can benefit from this courseArchitects, application server administrators, application deployers, support engineers, and technical staff who need to be Application Server product specialists.

Vstupní předpoklady:

  • Fundamentals of the Highly Available Database (HADB) (WMT-IAS-2434)
  • Familiar with Java Message Service (JMS)
  • Familiar with the Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS)
  • Familiar with Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology
  • Familiar with the Sun Java System Application Server PE 8.1
  • Familiar with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology
  • Able to package and deploy a Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE platform) application to an application server
  • Familiar with RMI/IIOP technology

Co se u nás naučíte:

  • Describe the enterprise features and architecture of the Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Install the Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Configure and administer a cluster
  • Configure monitoring and logging settings for the Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Deploy applications to the Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Set up and configure request-level load balancing and failover along HTTP and RMI/IIOP paths
  • Set up and configure a highly available cluster to support HTTP session persistence and Stateful Session Bean (SFSB) failover
  • Configure JMS connection failover
  • Migrate the applications from earlier versions of the Application Server to the Application Server SE/EE 8.1Tune the performance of the Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Tune the performance of the Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Troubleshoot the Application Server SE/EE 8.1


Introducing Application Server SE/EE 8.1

  • Describe the three editions of Application Server 8.1
  • Describe how Application Server SE/EE 8.1 fits into the Java Enterprise System (JES) suites
  • Describe key concepts of Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Discuss the key features of Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Discuss the developer productivity features provided in Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Describe the upgrade and migration tools provided by the Application Server SE/EE 8.1

Management Architecture

  • Describe the main components and concepts of the Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Define the entity relationships
  • Illustrate the management architecture
  • Define the Domain Administration Server (DAS)
  • Define the central repository
  • Define the node agent
  • Explain how synchronization works between different components
  • Explain how the JMX API is used in Application Server SE/EE 8.1

Installing Application Server SE/EE 8.1

  • Describe the key features of the Application Server SE/EE 8.1 installation
  • List the product components of Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • List the system requirements and supported platforms for installation
  • Describe the product distribution
  • Describe the installation modes
  • Describe the directory structure after installation
  • Locate the installation log files
  • Identify the sample applications

Configuration and Administration

  • Describe the administration infrastructure
  • Describe the domain configuration and the domain.xml file
  • Describe server instance specialization
  • Define dynamic reconfiguration
  • Use the administration tools, including the asadmin utility and the Administration Console (Admin Console)
  • Configure and administer clusters and a node agent
  • Back up and restore the domain
  • Define administrative security


  • Describe the deployment features in Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Describe the JSR-88 Deployment API
  • Describe the deployment life cycle
  • Deploy an enterprise application
  • List the key features of the deploytool 8.1 utility (DeployTool)
  • Discuss deployment features across various Application Server 8.1 versions

HTTP Load Balancing

  • Discuss the concepts of load balancing
  • Describe the features of Application Server 8.1 load balancing
  • Install the load balancer plug-in
  • Configure HTTP load balancing
  • Define rolling upgrade
  • Perform a rolling upgrade in mixed mode
  • Perform a rolling upgrade in non-mixed mode
  • Enable HTTP load balancing logging

HADB Basics

  • Describe important features of the HADB
  • Describe how to achieve HA for the HADB
  • Configure a system for the HADB
  • Describe the management architecture
  • Locate the HADB directory and files in Application Server SE/EE 8.1
  • Configure and start Management Agent (MA)
  • Perform simple management tasks
  • Use the asadmin command to configure an HA cluster

HTTP Session Persistence

  • Describe the fundamentals of a session and session persistence
  • List the supported features of session persistence
  • Explain the persistence mechanisms
  • Compare the session persistence types
  • Enable HA for SSO sessions
  • Describe the criteria for distributed sessions
  • Describe the availability's different levels
  • Configure HTTP session persistence for HA

RMI/IIOP Load Balancing and Failover

  • Describe the basics of RMI/IIOP
  • Explain RMI/IIOP load balancing and failover subsystems
  • Describe server-side configuration
  • Configure standalone clients and the Application Client Container (ACC)
  • Perform rolling upgrades for applications accessed by application clients

EJB Container High Availability

  • Describe the new EJB container features common to Application Server 8.1
  • Describe SFSB failover
  • Configure SFSB failover
  • Discuss the EJB timer service
  • Describe transaction recovery

JMS Clustering and Failover

  • Describe JMS and the Sun Java System Message Queue 3.6 (Message Queue 3.6)
  • Describe the features of Message Queue 3.6
  • Describe the integration of Message Queue 3.6 with Application Server 8.1
  • Discuss resource adapters in Application Server 8.1
  • Configure JMS
  • Explain connection failover behavior
  • Describe the multiple-broker configuration

Upgrade and Migration

  • Describe Application Server 8.1 compatibility with earlier versions
  • Differentiate between application server upgrade and migration
  • Describe the features of Upgrade Tool
  • Describe the need for application server migration
  • Identify entities that require migration
  • Identify issues in migrating applications from earlier versions of Application Server
  • Describe the Java Application Verification Kit for the Enterprise (Java AVK Enterprise)
  • Use Migration Tool to migrate applications

Tuning Performance

  • Identify the performance role of the key web components
  • Discuss performance tuning in Application Server 8.1
  • Describe techniques to tune applications
  • Tune Application Server 8.1
  • Describe techniques to tune for HA
  • Tune the HADB
  • Identify the various tools to tune the performance of Application Server 8.1


  • Use various resources to identify Application Server SE/EE 8.1 problems
  • Troubleshoot installation problems
  • Troubleshoot Application Server SE/EE 8.1 start problems
  • Troubleshoot administrative client problems (asadmin and the Admin Console)
  • Troubleshoot Application Server problems
  • Resolve load balancer errors
  • Troubleshoot HADB problems

Sun Java System Application Server 8.1: Administration Deployment IAS-4444

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