Sun Java(TM) System Portal Server: Customization PTL-4310


Základní info

The Sun Java System Portal Server: Customization course provides students with the knowledge and skills to customize the Sun Java System Portal Server 2005Q1 (6.3.1) (Portal Server) content and presentation using a variety of tools and techniques. Students learn to modify the look and feel of their portal to create custom branding, modify existing content providers, create custom content providers, integrate external applications and create JSR-168-compliant portal portlets. By completing the lab exercises in each course module, students create a customized portal. Students who can benefit from this course:System engineers, web architects, application developers, and other technical personnel who must adapt the appearance and functionality of the Portal Server to suit specific enterprise requirements.

Vstupní předpoklady:

  • Perform basic Portal Server configuration tasks
  • Understand Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
  • Create and modify Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents
  • Program in the Java programming language
  • Perform administration tasks in a Solaris Operating System(OS)

Co se u nás naučíte:

  • Install the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 (Portal Server)
  • Incorporate desktop content by using existing content providers and by developing custom content providers
  • Integrate applications and enable Single Sign-On (SSO) across multiple applications
  • Create JSR-168-compliant portal portlets
  • Use Web Service for Remote Portlets (WSRP) to add access to remote portlets
  • Customize the appearance of the portal user interface by modifying the Portal Server display profile
  • Add new content to the portal by configuring pre-built content providers
  • Use JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology to add new content to the portal
  • Customize the appearance of the Portal Server interface
  • Deploy a third-party application to the Portal Server


Introducing the Portal Server

  • Describe the Portal Server
  • Identify terminology used with the Portal Server
  • Describe the features of the Portal Server
  • Describe the Portal Server architecture in terms of a sample deployment
  • List the significant installation directories for the Portal Server
  • Discuss the features of the Portal Server
  • Describe the Portal Server's migration and development tools
  • Discuss the Portal Server component architecture

Installing the Portal Server

  • Identify the operating system requirements, hardware requirements and software requirements for installing the Portal Server
  • Identify browser requirements for using the Portal Server
  • Identify typical deployment scenarios
  • Describe the components that are installed with the Portal Server
  • Describe the installation procedures for the Portal Server
  • Describe the file system layout after Portal Server installation
  • Describe how to verify the Portal Server installation
  • Describe how to uninstall the Portal Server

Configuring a Portal

  • Describe the role of the Access Manager in the Portal Server
  • Describe the objects used when managing the Access Manager
  • Describe the Access Manager console
  • Define, create, and manage organizations
  • Describe how users are created and managed
  • Describe how services are registered
  • Describe creating service templates for the roles
  • Describe how display profiles are loaded

Using the Display Profile to Control the Portal Server Desktop

  • Discuss the Portal Server desktop architecture and identify its components
  • Examine the display profile and describe its structure and hierarchy in the Directory Server
  • Describe how display profile merging is used to calculate the user's display profile and construct the user's desktop
  • Describe how to modify a display profile using the Access Manager administration graphical user interface (GUI) and the dpadmin command-line tool

Portal Branding

  • Describe the files used to customize a portal's look and feel
  • Describe the files created to customize the appearance of a Portal Server desktop
  • Describe an example of how to modify the appearance of a Tab Container
  • Describe the use of display profile themes
  • Describe the properties used to draw a leaf channel
  • Describe an example of how leaf channels are drawn
  • Describe the Theme Tag Library

Creating Channels for the Portal Desktop

  • List the methods for adding new content to the Portal Server implementation
  • Examine and configure a URL scraper provider, and identify the role of the Rewriter
  • Describe extensible stylesheet language transformations (XSLTs) and their role in transforming XML documents
  • Examine and configure an XML building block provider


  • Describe Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)
  • Describe the WSRP rationale
  • Describe WSRP producers
  • Describe WSRP consumers

Deploying Portal Content

  • Examine the structure and content of a provider archive (PAR) file
  • Deploy PAR files using the par command
  • Examine and describe two provider development techniques

Using JSP Providers

  • Examine and describe the channel functionality that you must consider when implementing a JSP building block provider
  • Examine the structure, life cycle, and implementation of JSP technology
  • Examine and configure custom channels that use the JSP building block provider
  • Examine the structure, life cycle, and implementation of tag libraries as they apply to custom channels
  • Examine and configure custom channels using the Portal Server tag libraries
  • Update channel properties in the display profile
  • Process and configure Process Edit forms using tag libraries
  • Describe the Subset Edit forms and edit form processing

Building JSR-168-Compliant Portlets

  • Describe portlets
  • Develop portlets using the portlet API
  • Describe portlets in the Portal Server
  • Deploy portlets
  • Administer portlets

Developing Custom Providers

  • Describe custom provider design principles
  • Describe the role of a provider definition within the display profile
  • Examine and describe the Provider application programming interface API
  • Develop a custom provider

Organizing Content Using Container Channels

  • Examine container channels and describe their hierarchy in the Portal Server desktop
  • Examine the role of containers and change the default channel for a user
  • Create and add custom container channels
  • Examine how channel content is controlled and how messages are sent between channels

Application Integration and SSO

  • Examine the different types of application integration within the Portal Server
  • Deploy web applications into the Portal Server
  • Examine authentication and SSO within the Portal Server
  • Describe the Access Manager SSO architecture and API
  • Examine SSO scenarios for portal web applications, standalone web applications, standalone Java programming language applications, and applications that are not aware of the Access Manager
  • Examine Proxy Authentication

Customizing the Authentication Interface

  • Customize the appearance and content of authentication GUI
  • Describe localization options for the authentication interface
  • Modify the UserInfo channel to allow user modification of an LDAP password


  • Localize the Portal Server desktop
  • Localize dynamic provider portal content
  • Localize static portal content

Sun Java(TM) System Portal Server: Customization PTL-4310

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