Taleo (TEE): Recruiting Essentials Boot Camp


Základní info

This Taleo (TEE): Recruiting Essentials Boot Camp training will help you develop an in depth of understanding of how to make Taleo Recruiting Center and Taleo Recruiting Configuration work for your business. For students taking this course in the Training On Demand format, simulated labs are available throughout the coursE.This course is delivered by one of our expert, in-house instructors. Throughout the course multiple opportunities are provided for hands-on exercises along with ample time to ask questions.Learn To: Create and Post RequisitionsManage Candidate SubmissionsCreate Offers and Fill RequisitionsCreate Users, Groups and Assign PermissionsConfigure Taleo RecruitingBuild Career Sections

Taleo (TEE): Recruiting Essentials Boot Camp

Vybraný termín:


57 500 Kč + 21% DPH

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