UPK Professional Accelerated Rel 12.1


Základní info

This UPK Professional Accelerated Rel 12.1 training will teach you how to use the User Productivity Kit Developer to build an outline, prepare for and record content in the target application and use the Topic Editor to customize recorded content. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you how to link web pages and external files to your content; you'll also learn how to create and link questions and assessments.strongLearn To:/puild outlines by creating new modules, sections and topics.ecord and edit content.ublish content, including printable documentation.reate knowledge (learning) paths from published content.reate users and enroll them in knowledge paths.un tracking reports and create new custom reports.strongBenefits to You/psing the User Productivity Kit Knowledge Center, you will learn how to import and use outlines created in Developer to build various types of knowledge paths and deploy assessments. You will also use the Manager to manage users, user groups and knowledge paths to deploy the content. In addition, you'll learn how to use the Reports Manager to run existing reports and create custom reports.strongAdditional Topics/ppon completing this course, you will be able to preview your content in the available playback modes before publishing. You'll also explore the various deployment options for publishing, including the options for printed documents. Learn how to customize templates for player and print output, while using the Knowledge Center to create and enroll students in learning paths and track online training courses.

UPK Professional Accelerated Rel 12.1

Vybraný termín:


72 282 Kč + 21% DPH

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