WebSphere Application Server V9 Administration

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This release of IBM WebSphere Application Server provides enhanced support for standards (notably Java 7 EE), emerging technology, and a choice of development frameworks. In this course, you learn how to configure and maintain IBM WebSphere Application Server V9 in a single-server environment. You learn how to deploy enterprise Java applications in a single computer configuration. In addition, you learn how to work with features of WebSphere Application Server V9, such as the wsadmin scripting interface, security, and performance monitoring. Hands-on exercises throughout the course give you practical experience with the skills you develop in the lectures. Course introduction WebSphere product family overview WebSphere Application Server architecture - stand-alone Exercise: Profile creation WebSphere Application Server administrative console Exercise: Exploring the administrative console Introduction to the PlantsByWebSphere application Application assembly Exercise: Assembling an application Application installation Exercise: Installing an application Problem determination Exercise: Problem determination Introduction to wsadmin and scripting Exercise: Using wsadmin WebSphere security Exercise: Configuring WebSphere Application Server security Exercise: Configuring application security Performance monitoring Exercise: Using the performance monitoring tools Course summary

WebSphere Application Server V9 Administration

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