WebSphere Application Server V9 Administration in a Federated Environment

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Základní info

In this course, you learn how to configure and maintain IBM WebSphere Application Server V9 Network Deployment. You learn how to deploy and create a deployment manager and federate a cell. In addition, you learn how to create a cluster within the federated cell. Throughout the course, hands-on exercises and demonstrations reinforce lecture content. You gain practical experience with WebSphere Application Server V9 by completing tasks such as creating a deployment manager, federating a stand-alone application server, creating a custom profile, and clustering an existing application server. Course introduction WebSphere Application Server architecture: Federated Federating a cell Exercise: Configuring the lab workstation Exercise: Creating a federated cell Workload management Exercise: Clustering and workload management WebSphere security: SSL Exercise: Configuring SSL for WebSphere Overview of Intelligent Management Course summary

WebSphere Application Server V9 Administration in a Federated Environment

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