XML Fundamentals Ed 1.1


Základní info

This XML Fundamentals training introduces you to the basics of XML. In this 2 day hands on course, you will learn the central XML technologies, including writing well formed and valid XML, creating Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and XML schema documents and using XPath and XQuery.bLearn To:/preate well-formed and valid XML documents.se XML Namespaces in an XML document to resolve name ambiguities in XML documents.reate Document Type Definition and XML schema documents to validate XML documents.se XPath expressions and functions to find and select nodes in XML documents.ransform XML documents by using stylesheets and XPath expressions.se Oracle JDeveloper to view, create, edit, and test XML and other XML-related documents.se XQuery to query, generate, and transform XML content. dentify the features and benefits of Oracle XML DBbXML schema/phis course covers the components of an XML schema, how to create and XML schema document and how to validate XML documents using XML schemas. Validating documents using Document Type Definitions (DTDs) are discussed as well.bBenefits To You/pdditionally, you'll be introduced to the support for XML offered in various Oracle products, like the Oracle XML DB and Oracle JDeveloper. Use the XQuery XML query language, which is built on XPath expressions, to query data from both XML files and relational databases. Review how to use XQuery to generate and transform XML content. You'll learn how to use the XML concepts while exploring XML Namespaces that are used to apply uniqueness to elements.

XML Fundamentals Ed 1.1

Vybraný termín:


20 080 Kč + 21% DPH

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